Car insurance quotes to fit any budget1
Auto insurance to fit your needs
Bundle and save up to $1,2733
Combine the purchase of a homeowners, renters, condo, or life insurance 购买汽车pp王者电子官网,增加你的银行存款.
Drive safe & save up to 30%4
Need something more?
Teen driver
在交出钥匙之前,确保钥匙上有 car insurance for teens.
Sports cars
Let us help you make insuring your sports car less expensive.
Rental cars
Electric cars
What do I need to get a car insurance quote?
一些车辆和个人信息,以及简短的驾驶历史,将会有所帮助 determine your coverage needs, deductible and policy cost.
Vehicle information
- 年份、品牌、型号、车身样式或VIN(车辆信息号码)
- Mileage
- Garaged address
- Name of registered owner
- Prior insurance carrier and expiration date
- Date of purchase
Driver information and history
- Driver name(s) and date of birth
- Driver's License number(s) and state of issue
- Ticket and accident history
- License suspension information
Coverage options, deductibles, and discounts may affect your policy cost, along with such things as your driving history, credit score (where permitted by law), and other third-party reports.
Your driving record determines it. You may be considered a high-risk driver 如果被判有酒驾或多次违规,如超速驾驶. Recent history is the most important factor.
Zero in not only on your state, but also your local community 找一个好邻居代理,他会帮你看pp王者电子官网和储蓄,可能符合你的需求和预算.
即使你已经获得了所有必需的信息,并完成了申请流程, 一些州可能不会立即开始覆盖. Check your state’s guidelines or ask your agent. 为了获得最准确的报价,你需要知道你的车的品牌、型号、里程和年份. 我们还需要了解一下你和你的驾驶记录.
Get a local agent who gets you
Additional vehicle insurance
Commercial auto insurance
Coverage for your commercial vehicle
Motorcycle insurance
Coverage for your motorcycle
Antique car insurance
Coverage for your antique car
ATV & Off-road insurance
Coverage for your off-road vehicle
RV insurance
Coverage for your motorhome
Travel trailer insurance
Coverage for your travel trailer
Simple Insights®
Looking for help protecting your vehicle? You’ve come to the right place. Articles from Simple Insights 借鉴了州立农场100多年的经验.
1 个人保费和预算因客户而异. 所有申请人须符合承保要求.
3 客户可能总是选择只购买一份保单,但购买两份或更多不同险种的折扣将不适用. 储蓄,折扣名称,百分比,可用性和资格可能因州而异.
4 折扣可能超过30%,各州不同. Not available in CA, MA, and RI. Mobile not available in NY. In-app setup with beacon required for Mobile.
5 折扣名称、百分比、可用性和资格可能因州而异. 联系你的州立农场代理确认折扣资格.
State Farm(包括州立农场互助汽车pp王者电子官网公司及其子公司和附属公司)不负责, and does not endorse or approve, either implicitly or explicitly, 从本页超链接的任何第三方网站的内容. State Farm has no discretion to alter, update, or control the content on the hyperlinked, third-party site. 访问第三方网站的风险由用户自行承担, 提供的信息仅供参考,而不是征求购买或出售可能在此类第三方网站上引用的任何产品.
请记住,上面的描述只是对pp王者电子官网范围的一般描述,而不是对合同的说明. 所有pp王者电子官网均受所有保单条款和适用背书的约束. Coverage options may vary by state. 要了解更多关于您所在州的汽车pp王者电子官网范围,请找到 State Farm agent.