年金对你的退休计划来说是一个很有价值的补充. 以下是它们的工作原理和功能.
一般来说,年金是积累资金的一种选择 退休前,并最终在你退休或去世时分配这笔钱. A significant concern for many people nearing or in 退休 is the thought of outliving their money. A 退休年金,有时被称为a 终身年金,是一个 pp王者电子官网合同 you purchase that can provide an income for life no matter how long you live, 或者是一个特定的时间段. 这是你的选择.
没人知道会持续多久 退休 会持续下去. 这意味着你面临的最大风险之一是比你的钱活得长. 在退休, 你将继续面临基本的生活费用, 比如住房, 食品杂货, 公用事业公司, 医疗保健和税收. By combining the income from an annuity along with Social 安全 benefits, 你可以帮助确保支付这些基本费用.
An annuity is a contract between the owner of the annuity 和 the company issuing it. 你买年金,公司付你利息. 在某个年龄, you start taking the money out 和 you could receive payments for as long as you live. Some annuity types may help reduce the chance of outliving your 退休 income.
年金 和 人寿pp王者电子官网 are often mentioned in the same conversation because most annuity contracts are written by 人寿pp王者电子官网 公司. 然而,人寿pp王者电子官网的目的是为了满足人们的需要 受益人 在pg电子官方网页版死亡后. 与 annuities, the intention is to provide additional income to policyholders during their 退休年.
- 积累阶段: The period of time after you purchase your annuity 和 before you start receiving payments. 在这个阶段, 您的投资将以保证或可变的回报率增长, 典型的递延税项. Keep in mind that immediate annuities will not have an accumulation phase, 因为付款在人们购买产品后立即开始.
- Annuitization阶段: 当你开始领取养老金时,通常是在退休时. 这个阶段也被称为年金或支付阶段. Depending on the annuity product you purchase, the amount 和 length of the payouts is different.
有各种各样的 年金的种类 包括即时年金、递延年金、固定年金和可变年金. 直接vs. 递延类别与你的收入支付开始的时间有关. 固定vs. 可变类别与你的捐款如何投资有关.
即时年金 购买后立即产生收入. 你的钱提供了 、有担保的款项 在你付了首付款后不久就开始给你. Depending on the tax-qualified or non-tax-qualified status of your annuity, 部分或全部付款可以包括在你的应税收入中. 业主可以选择终身领取保证付款, or elect payments to be made over a specified length of time (period 某些).
延期支付年金 allow your investment to grow tax-deferred until you decide to start receiving income payments at some point in the future. 你可以选择什么时候开始领取收入. 延期支付年金 may also make sense for people who are looking for an additional way to save money for 退休, 即使是几年后的事.
与 fixed annuities, as with 可变年金, t在这里 is a risk component to consider. An insurance company accepts the investment risk 和 places money in high quality fixed-rate investments such as bonds. This allows the company to earn a stable fixed interest rate for a 某些 period of time.
与 可变年金, 风险由pg电子官方网页版承担, rather than by the insurance company since the money is placed in market-based investments. 这可能包括股票、债券、共同基金或货币市场. You may have the option to move the money around among the different investments. In addition, the rate of return can vary based on the performance of the investments.
指数化年金有固定年金和可变年金两种特点. They offer a base guaranteed interest rate along with a rate of interest based on a 股票市场指数,比如S&P®500指数. This provides the opportunity for investment growth when the market performs well. 指数化年金可以是一种复杂的产品. 考虑讨论所有的特性, 费用, surrender charges 和 any tax penalties with your insurance agent so that you underst和 how they work together before you purchase.
当你购买年金时,有很多支付方式可供选择. 这里有一些你可以选择:
- 人寿年金化期权. 与 this option you will get a payment for life 和 the amount is calculated based on the annuitant’s life expectancy.
- 联合终身年金化选项. 这一选择将允许你的配偶在你死后领取抚恤金. 付款通常低于上述选项, as it is calculated based on life expectancy for both you 和 your spouse.
- 期 某些. 年金的支付期限由你选择, 如果你在这段时间结束前死亡, your beneficiary will receive payments for the remaining of the chosen term.
- 生活 有保证期限. 与 this option you will receive income for life 和 may choose a guaranteed period for your 受益人. 如果你在保证期限前死亡, 您的受益人将收到付款,直到选定的期限结束.
- 系统的取款. You decide payment amounts 和 the number of months you want the payments to be, 这取决于你的账户有多少. 有了这个选项,你可能会比你的付款更长寿.
- 肿块 笔付款. 如果你决定一次性付款, you will need to pay ordinary income taxes on the investment gain portion of your annuity.
考虑和一个 金融专业 to help you decide if an annuity makes sense as part of your 退休 plan. 如果你想谈谈你的 退休的目标 了解更多关于年金的知识, 您当地的状态 Farm®代理 也许能帮上忙.